Date of Award

Fall 1986

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Biological Sciences



Committee Director

Lioyd Wolfinbarger, Jr.

Committee Member

Kneeland Nesius

Committee Member

T. J. Banko

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.B46 S62


The number of shoots produced during a six week subculture of two Rhododendron sp., cultivars Rocket and Gibraltar was the same for both 16 and 24 hour photoperiods under cool white fluorescent lights, whereas significantly fewer shoots were produced under a 10 hour photoperiod for ‘Rocket.' Increasing concentrations of N6- (2-isopentenyl)- adenine (2iP) from 0 to 32 μMin Anderson's medium resulted in proportional increases in shoot number. When shoots were cultured in the presence of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and 2iP, shoot multiplication was increased significantly over shoots cultured with 2iF alone. No interaction affecting shoot multiplication was found between photoperiod and 2iP levels. Adjustment of Anderson's, medium to a pre-sterile pH of 4.5 resulted in increased shoot production in ‘Gibraltar', however no difference in shoot production was noted for -Rocket' or ‘Cunningham's White'. Shoots from both of those cultivars, modified the medium from a pH of 5.7 to pH 4.5 after five weeks in culture. Increasing daylength from 10 to 24 hours, resulted in a significant drop in pH of the culture medium.


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