Date of Award

Spring 2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Counseling & Human Services



Committee Director

Jeffry Moe

Committee Member

Lauren B. Robins

Committee Member

Brittany G. Suggs

Committee Member

Yonghee Suh


Due to the unique nature of military service compared to civilian professions, military attrition is difficult to predict using methods derived from career development theories, so turnover remains an ongoing concern for the active duty military. For this reason, military attrition, through turnover intention, should be investigated through a novel lens with the intention of capturing an essence of military service which previous methods may have overlooked, namely the holistic construct of perceived wellness. Previous studies have shown how wellness-related factors affect turnover intention, but none has studied the relationship between perceived wellness and turnover intention. The main hypothesis of this study is that perceived wellness predicts turnover intention over and above other, less-holistic factors and demographic variables. Results of a hierarchical logistic regression indicated that perceived wellness subscale scores, but not composite scores, predicted turnover intention over and above Survey of Perceived Organizational Support scores, demographic factors, and turnover beliefs. Results of a Spearman correlation and factorial and one-way MANOVAs revealed that participants who were officers, women, and educated had significantly higher wellness scores, and that higher pay grades, higher number of dependents, longer tenure, and higher age were correlated with higher wellness, although these differences should be interpreted with caution. Results of this study have implications for military wellness and retention efforts, as well as for professional counselors and counselor educators who work with military populations.


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