Date of Award

Spring 5-1986

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Community & Environmental Health

Committee Director

Gregory J. Martz

Committee Member

Colin Box

Committee Member

John L. Echternach

Call Number for Print

Special collections LD4331.C48G84


The purpose of this research was to determine what factors, if any, led to the development of a preferred provider organization and if these factors were related to sponsorship. A survey instrument was developed and mailed to a random sampling of 90 existing preferred provider organizations' executive directors for their completion. A Two-Factor Contingency Table Analysis was compiled. Chi-square, and the Contingency factor, C, were computed and tested at the .05 level of significance. First and second preference analyses were done on the responses to developmental indicators. Mean percentages were tallied for: sponsorship, tax status, alternative delivery systems in the area, coalition activity, doctors and hospitals within each PP0, primary care doctors, area employers participating, self-insured employers, self-insured member employers, and area unemployment rates above the national percentage of 6.7%. No significant relationship between developmental indicator and sponsorship was found. However, the results did show two common reasons why most PPOs developed: competition and a response to employer needs. The results also indicated the existence of certain community factors which may lead to the development of a PPO in a particular area: high unemployment rates, business coalition activity, alternative delivery system presence, high number of self-insured employers.


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