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Engineering with Computers


Article in Press


27 pp.


Efficient and robust anisotropic mesh adaptation is crucial for Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations. The CFD Vision 2030 Study highlights the pressing need for this technology, particularly for simulations targeting supercomputers. This work applies a fine-grained speculative approach to anisotropic mesh operations. Our implementation exhibits more than 90% parallel efficiency on a multi-core node. Additionally, we evaluate our method within an adaptive pipeline for a spectrum of publicly available test-cases that includes both analytically derived and error-based fields. For all test-cases, our results are in accordance with published results in the literature. Support for CAD-based data is introduced, and its effectiveness is demonstrated on one of NASA’s High-Lift prediction workshop cases.


© 2024 The Authors.

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Article states: "Not applicable for this work."

Original Publication Citation

Tsolakis, C., & Chrisochoides, N. (2024). Speculative anisotropic mesh adaptation on shared memory for CFD applications. Engineering with Computers. Advance online publication.


0000-0002-0656-9631 (Tsolakis), 0000-0003-3088-0187 (Chrisochoides)
