Date of Award

Summer 2005

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Electrical & Computer Engineering


Electrical Engineering

Committee Director

Linda Vahala

Committee Member

Vijayan Asari

Committee Member

Ravindra Joshi

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.E55 H3575 2005


Electromagnetic propagation models for signal strength prediction within aircraft cabins are essential for evaluating and designing a wireless communication system to be implemented onboard aircraft. There are many commercially available software packages for predicting wireless system performance in conventional indoor environments. It is of interest to examine the available software to determine if the aircraft's electromagnetic environment (EME) can be modeled successfully without developing an aircraft specific prediction tool. EnterprisePlanner®, a registered product of Wireless Valley Communications, Incorporated, was selected for the present effort. The performance of the prediction model was evaluated through a comparison with field measurements taken on the aircraft. It was concluded that the prediction model can accurately predict power propagation throughout the cabin. This prediction tool can enhance researchers' understanding of power propagation within aircraft cabins and will aid in future research.


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