Date of Award

Summer 2004

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Electrical & Computer Engineering


Electrical Engineering

Committee Director

Linda Vahala

Committee Member

Ravindra P. Joshi

Committee Member

Frederic D. McKenzie

Committee Member

Jay J. Ely

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.E55 J326 2004


The use of Portable Electronic Devices (PEDs) is prohibited during take-off and landing of an aircraft because PEDs may emit signals that can interfere with the aircraft's navigation and communication systems. The electromagnetic interference (EMI) on the aircraft's electronics due to PEDs emissions is examined for Boeing 737 and 747 aircraft. This work, funded by the NASA Graduate Researchers Program, uses Interference Path Loss (IPL) data, collected by researchers from NASA Langley Research Center, Eagles Wings Inc. and United Airlines on several out-of-service United B737 and B747 airplanes.

B737 and B747 IPL data has been analyzed using a graphical analysis of the EMI patterns. Graphical comparisons of horizontal and vertical polarizations as well as comparison of the EMI patterns from Biconical versus Dipole antennas are made. Data accuracy is measured by comparing graphs from B737 (#1989) versus B737 (#1997). The necessity of taking IPL data on the entire plane, instead of just the windows is proven by a graphical and statistical comparison of the results. Statistical analysis on the data is also performed using MATLAB and Arena. Aircraft symmetry is tested in terms of EMI patterns. The graphical analysis of mitigation techniques, which consists of sealing the door and exit seams as well as taping of windows, is performed. Following the graphical and statistical analysis, a detailed model involving Fuzzy logic is examined.


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