Date of Award

Summer 2008

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Electrical & Computer Engineering


Computer Engineering

Committee Director

Frederic D. McKenzie

Committee Member

Sushil K. Chaturvedi

Committee Member

Sachin Shetty

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.E55 P86 2008


A Laboratory Immersive Interactive Virtual Environment (LIIVE) for scientific experiments is developed using MAY A and Virtools. The LIIVE is used as a pre-lab practice module to familiarize the students with the equipment, procedure and parameters involved in a laboratory experiment. The system has been assessed for its effectiveness as a learning tool by administering a project and a quiz to each participant and conducting a structured observation during the actual laboratory experiment on the real equipment. The learning effect achieved by the LIIVE is compared to the learning effects obtained by the less immersive 2D virtual environment and the non-immersive passive learning environment. This analysis is performed by assigning one group of students to the LIIVE and another group of students to the 2D virtual environment. A trend was observed that the students who practiced on the LIIVE are more familiar with the equipment and procedural details, apparently decreasing the experimental time and number of questions during the actual experiment. The students' opinion about the LIIVE as a pre-lab practice session for a laboratory experiment is assessed by administering a questionnaire. The questionnaire invited the participants to rate a series of statements concerning immersion, interactivity, visual effects, benefits and learning outcomes associated with the use of LIIVE. Results from the survey also indicated that LIIVE was helpful in understanding activities and procedures involved in the experiment.


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