Date of Award

Spring 2006

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Electrical & Computer Engineering


Computer Engineering

Committee Director

Min Song

Committee Member

Sacharia Albin

Committee Member

Vijayan Asari

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.E55 Y37 2006


The wireless computer networks have an uncertainty in their structures aside from their big advantages for the users. The environmental conditions, changing locations of the mobile hosts and the changing components in the system can easily affect their reliability. In order to know a system capability performing its functions, keep the reliability at a certain level and/or detect the deficiency of the system, it is necessary to analyze the reliability of a computer communication network including the wired and wireless parts. But the above reasons also make the analysis and a unique solution difficult so a set of algorithms is proposed to analyze it. In this thesis, two-terminal reliability is mainly dealt with.

The changing locations of the mobile nodes are considered the main problem to obstruct analyzing the reliability. In the range of an access point (base station), a mean value can be accepted for its success probability. Therefore the mobility models of the mobile nodes are considered for the solution and the Markov chains are tried to predict the next locations. In order to provide a connection and make an analysis, the initial positions of the source and destination are assumed to be known.

There are four conditions in the computer network according to the starting and finishing positions. They are static to static, mobile to static, static to mobile and mobile to mobile conditions. The algorithm for static to static conditions is proposed only for the definite situations in which the hierarchical addressing is used. Three of them related to the mobile nodes give different results in a time interval. The least one of them is considered as minimum two-terminal reliability and the biggest one is considered as maximum two-terminal reliability. Also some flexible solutions are proposed for the different applications of the computer network.

A simulation is performed with the appropriate movement routes of the mobile nodes according to the mobility model and then the proposed algorithms are tried. It is seen that the simulation results are correspondent with the algorithms results.


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