
College of Health Sciences


Physical Therapy & Athletic Training


Kinesiology and Rehabilitation

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Introduction: Running velocity decreases with age, likely resulting from physiological and musculoskeletal changes associated with aging. Females experience a more rapid decline in physical performance during middle age than males, therefore it is important to consider separate-sex analyses when studying running biomechanics and running-related injury. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between age and different running speeds separately for female and male runners.

Methods: Male (n=33) and female (n=46) runners (ages 18–65 years) ran at their self-selected JOG (long distance) and MAX (maximal running) pace on a treadmill. Running velocity was recorded. Simple linear regression was used to assess the relationship between age and running velocity at JOG and MAX speeds separately for males and females. Percent decrease in running speed with age was calculated.

Results:There was a significant negative correlation with age and MAX speed for males (p=.034, R=.37) and females (p

Discussion: Maximal running speed places a greater physical demand on the runner and appears to be more indicative of changes in running biomechanics associated with aging. Despite a lack of significant age and sex interaction effect on running speed, females demonstrated a greater percent decrease in maximal speed with age compared to males. Sex differences in biomechanics of aging runners should be further explored. Because running has several health advantages, it is important to understand biomechanical changes in aging runners to maximize running ability and reduce running-related injury.


Running, Aging


Biomechanics | Exercise Physiology | Exercise Science



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Self-Selected Maximum but Not Jogging Speed Decreases with Age in Male and Female Runners
