Date of Award

Fall 2007

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Education (MSEd)


Human Movement Sciences


Physical Education

Committee Director

Edwin Gomez

Committee Member

Edward Hill

Committee Member

Lynn Ridinger

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.E44 J65 2007


The purpose of this research was to study the leisure constraints and ethnic factors that affect recreational use among Latinos in the City of Manassas Park. Respondents were mailed a questionnaire to the City of Manassas Park. The questionnaires were composed of questions pertaining to acculturation, values, discrimination, subcultural identity, perceived recreation benefits, constraints to park use, constraints to desired leisure activities, socio-economic status, program usage, and park usage. Confirmatory factor analyses identified six factors for recreational use: acculturation, discrimination, subcultural identity, derived benefits, park use constraints, and individual activity constraints. A t-test confirmed that there was no difference between male and female use patterns, as well as no difference between younger adults (ages 18-37) and older adults (ages 37 and older), contrary to previous reported findings. Perception of benefits derived from participation was found to be a significant predictor of recreation use. The results of this study were then applied to previous findings, and limitations, recommendations, and suggestions for Manassas Park practitioners are discussed.


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