Date of Award

Spring 2006

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Computational Modeling & Simulation Engineering


Modeling and Simulation

Committee Director

John Sokolowski

Committee Member

David Cook

Committee Member

David Dryer

Committee Member

Eric Weisel

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.E53 S27 2006


Multi-resolution modeling is the process by which a single model is created by connecting multiple individual models to describe phenomena at different levels of resolution [1]. "When we change resolutions, replacing a detailed model by a more aggregate one, we must ask whether results are 'consistent'" [2].

There are many methods of determining if the results of two simulations are 'consistent'. However, they are very entailed and require a detailed understanding of the individual models including their functionality, algorithms, and inner workings. A straight forward and rapid way of assessing potential inconsistencies is through a statistical comparison of the model outputs.

Three scenarios were executed in OSD JWARS, JWARS as released by the Office of the Secretary of Defense; FED JWARS, the modified version of JWARS utilized in the federation; and the Lynx federation. Using statistical analysis, equivalency of the air-to-ground (A2G) engagement results was tested using the Bonferroni approach to multiple comparisons.

This comparative analysis confirms there is no statistically significant difference in the A2G engagement results of OSD JWARS and FED JWARS. However, the analysis does show there is a statistically significant difference in the A2G engagement results of OSD JWARS and the Lynx federation.


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