Date of Award

Fall 1989

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Ocean & Earth Sciences



Committee Director

Ali A. Nowroozi

Committee Member

Ramesh Venkatakrishnan


Gravity and magnetic models indicate that a steeply dipping, mylonitic shear zone recognized by reconnaissance mapping in the easternmost Piedmont of Brunswick County, Virginia is a listric fault. A pronounced 3 to 5 mgal Bouguer anomaly high is associated with the fault zone. A band of N10° trending aeromagnetic anomalies delineate the areal extent of the fault zone. The fault zone flattens eastward over a short distance to a depth of 15 kms where it joins a near horizontal surface that cuts across the region. This surface is herein interpreted to be a decollement. The fault zone of this study is interpreted to be a part of the Eastern Piedmont Fault System (EPFS) of Hatcher et al (1977). Listric geometry of this fault suggests it is a splay off the master decollement responsible for the Appalachian fold and thrust belt to the west. Inclusion of the fault of this study in the EPFS suggests the EPFS faults may also be listric.


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