Date of Award

Fall 1983

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Ocean & Earth Sciences



Committee Director

John R. McConaugha

Committee Member

Terry L. Wade

Committee Member

Raymond W. Alden III

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.O35G61


The concentrations of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PNAHs) were determined for several stations in the Elizabeth River. Thirteen PNAHs of the sixteen EPA priority pollutant PNAHs were present in the particulate fraction. The concentrations ranged from 10.0 ng/1 to 1000 ng/1. Ten of the sixteen EPA priority pollutant PNAH were present in the dissolved phase. Concentrations ranged from 2.0 ng/1 to 100 ng/1.

The environmental PNAHs concentrations were used to determine test concentrations. Bioassays were conducted to determine the effects of indigenous concentrations of seven predominant PNAHs (0.01 mg/1 to 2.4 mg/1 concentrations) on the fecundity of Acartia tonsa (calanoid Copepoda). The indigenous concentrations were found to be toxic to laboratory reared Acartia tonsa. Analysis of variance and covariance indicated significant (0.05 level) effects of PNAH concentrations at the ng/1 liter on fecundity. However, no significant effect was observed at picagrams per liter levels.


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