Date of Award

Spring 1976

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Ocean & Earth Sciences



Committee Director

Anthony J. Provenzano

Committee Member

Peter Fleischer

Committee Member

Chester E. Grosch

Committee Member

Dennis A. Darby

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.O35 R68


Mellita quinguiesperforata is a common member of the benthos along the eastern coast of North America. This study considers variation of the test within the species, specifically: 1) variation in test weight, 2) variation in the length-width relationship, and 3) the average number of pore pairs in the ambulacral petals.

A total of 844 sand dollars from three localities was utilized: 1) Pass-a-Grill Beach, St. Petersburg, Florida,2) Bird Shoal, Beaufort, North Carolina, and 3) Fisherman Island, Virginia.

Animals were measured for length and width and the dry weight determined. Prediction equations for the size-weight relat1onships were computed for the three localities. Fifty animals from each locality were picked by a table of random numbers and used to determine the average number of pore pairs. A prediction equation for the number of pore pairs in the species was calculated.

It is concluded that Mellita quinquiesperforata from cold water weigh more than warmer water specimens, as has been shown to be the case for two other species of sand dollars. There is no change in the number of pore pairs or in the length-width relationship between populations.


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