Date of Award

Spring 2014

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



Committee Director

Donald D. Davis

Committee Member

James P. Bliss

Committee Member

Miguel A. Padilla


The use of virtual teams in organizations has become commonplace (SHRM, 2012). While a great deal of research on teamwork exists, much of it has focused on collocated teams. Spatial and temporal separations inherent in virtual teams make working together as a team more difficult. This research examined a teamwork process previously unexplored within virtual teams -- mutual performance monitoring. An experimental intervention was conducted and outcomes at both the individual and team levels of analysis were examined. A total of 161 participants were assigned to work together in 47 teams on a decision-making task. Participants communicated and worked together online using the technology-mediated communication methods of chat and email. As predicted, mutual performance monitoring was important for building collective efficacy, reducing social loafing, and increasing satisfaction with team members. However, mutual performance monitoring was found not related to team performance. Reasoning for the findings, along with implications, limitations, and future research ideas are discussed.


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