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TIP: The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist








The article explores the use of social media for employee listening in organizations, highlighting the importance of employee voice and its positive impact on the workplace. It suggests that social media platforms can provide a space for employees to express themselves, share ideas, and connect with others. However, caution is advised when integrating social media into formal workplace decisions and the hiring process due to concerns about fairness, privacy, and discrimination. The article also addresses the challenges faced by minority employees in voicing dissent and the potential for social media to amplify their voices. It recommends consulting the book "Social Media in Employee Selection and Recruitment" for a more comprehensive understanding of the topic. While social media can be useful for understanding workplace issues, it is important to exercise caution and protect privacy when using it to seek out employees' online activity or as part of the selection process. Instead, social media can be used to identify broader workplace trends, which can then be further explored through anonymous surveys. Future research should also consider the role of newer social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels in voicing workplace concerns.


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Original Publication Citation

Ju, C. S., Liguori, E. A., & Savage, N. M. (2024). All the better to hear you with: Using social media for employee listening. TIP: The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist, 62(1), 1-5.


0009-0004-7688-2449 (Ju)
