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Journal of Clinical Medicine






4640 (1-9)


Background: Depression has been shown to have adverse effects on blood pressure (BP) and is associated with high blood pressure variability (BPV). In turn, high short-term BPV has been related to eventual cardiovascular risk. But it is not clear how early in adulthood the detrimental effects of depression on BPV may be discerned, if being at high risk for depression also compromises BPV, and whether the clinical features of depression moderate its adverse effects. We investigated these three issues among young adults using an office-like setting. Methods: In total, 218 subjects with a history of childhood-onset major depressive episodes (probands), 206 never-depressed full biological siblings of the probands (high-risk siblings), and 166 emotionally healthy unrelated controls received a psychiatric evaluation and three standardized-sitting BP measurements 5 min apart. Short-term BPV was defined as the maximum difference between measures (range) for each case. The statistical methods included analyses of variance/covariance, chi-square tests, and multiple regression. Results: Systolic and diastolic BP decreased over consecutive measurements (p < 0.001). After controlling for age, the probands, siblings, and controls did not differ significantly in terms of BPV. However, the number of lifetime depressive episodes did predict the diastolic BP range (p = 0.005): probands with the highest number of depressive episodes had the largest short-term diastolic BPV. Conclusions: On a group level, the adverse effects on BPV of having experienced or being at high risk for depression are not yet evident during young adulthood. However, the number of major depressive episodes, which is an index of lifetime depression burden, predicts higher BPV. Thus, BPV monitoring for young adults with clinical depression histories could be part of an early intervention program to reduce the risk of eventual cardiovascular disease.


© 2024 by the authors.

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Data Availability

Article states: "The data presented in this study are available on request from the corresponding author. The data are not publicly available due to reasons pertaining to patient privacy."

Original Publication Citation

Nyárády, B. B., Vértes, M., Dósa, E., Yang, X., George, C. J., Kiss, E., Baji, I., Kapornai, K., & Kovacs, M. (2024). Short-term blood pressure variability among young adults at high or low risk for depression. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 13(16), 1-9, Article 4640.


0000-0001-6421-2051 (Yang)
