Date of Award

Fall 2000

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Sociology & Criminal Justice


Applied Sociology

Committee Director

Lucian Lombardo

Committee Member

James A. Nolan

Committee Member

Ingrid Whitaker

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.S62 W35


The purpose of this study was to determine if age, race, and gender were related to victim satisfaction during mediation while controlling for the type of offense. Satisfaction with the mediator's attitude, the session itself, the mediator, and the outcome were assessed to measure the victim's level of satisfaction with the various components of the mediation process. Data was collected from questionnaires mailed to crime victims' who had completed the mediation process through the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court in Norfolk, Virginia. This thesis looks at the relationship of age, race, and gender to victim satisfaction with mediation. Cross-tabulations were used to test for this relationship. This study's analysis suggests that in general, there were few significant relationships between satisfaction with outcome and victim satisfaction with the mediator's attitude. Only gender in theft cases and race in assault and battery cases were significant (p= .76) and (p= .082) respectively.

For the sake of argument, a cross-tabulations was run on how satisfied the victim was with the outcome of mediation and the fairness of restitution. This analysis was not significant with a p= .138.


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