Date of Award

Spring 1999

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Sociology & Criminal Justice


Applied Sociology

Committee Director

Brian K. Payne

Committee Member

Carole L. Seyfrit

Committee Member

Otto C. Sampson

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.S62 B93


The purpose of this study is to determine the attitudes and perceptions of medical students and physicians concerning Medicaid fraud. The primary tool was an anonymous survey distributed to both medical students and physicians in the Hampton Roads area. Previous research suggests that physicians would be more likely to view Medicaid fraud as less serious and less justifiable than medical students would. Since little research looks specifically at the attitudes and perceptions of medical students and physicians two theories, Differential Association and the Theory of Organizational Misconduct, were used because they best fit the research already out there. The analyses were found to be statistically significant, revealing that physicians, not medical students actually perceive Medicaid fraud as more serious than medical students do. These findings, although significant, are in the opposite direction than originally hypothesized. Hirschi's Control Theory was used to explain these differences and has been found to fit better in this study than the first two theories originally reviewed.


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