Date of Award

Spring 2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


STEM Education & Professional Studies


Occupational and Technical Studies

Committee Director

Petros J. Katsioloudis

Committee Member

Thomas W. Bean

Committee Member

Philip A. Reed


The purpose of this dissertation is to identify quality indicators for visual based learning material for technology education classes for grades 6th to 9th. This is a three round Delphi study aimed in answering the following research question. RQ: What are the quality indicators that contribute to the successful selection of visual-based learning material that contribute effectively to transmitting pedagogical information in a technology education classroom for grades 6th -9th? The quality indicators were determined by the consensus reached by technology education expert panel/educators that have been identified for the contributions and expertise in the field of technology education and have taught in Greek schools in the Cyclades region. In the first round, the panel were given a set of examples with initial quality indicators. These initial quality indicators are examples that have been identified from the literature review. The first round of the modified Delphi method uses an open-ended questionnaire format in which the experts were asked to keep, reject, modify or add a new characteristic to the quality indicators. The instrument of the second round was generated by the responses given from the first round. The second round involved panelists valuing and ranking from lowest to highest the items identified on round I on a 5-point Likert scale. The third and final round involved the expert panel accepting or rejecting the quality indicators derived from the second round. In the final round the panel reached consensus. Final quality indicators were the results of analysis on data collected from Rounds I, II, and III.


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