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Publication Title

The Reading Teacher


1-9 pp.


Spanish is the second most common language among US children aged 5–17, with 26.8% speaking it at home. To foster cultural understanding and promote positive relationships, it's crucial to introduce young children to different languages and cultures. Preschool language education can cultivate respect and empathy, building more inclusive communities. Culturally responsive education equips children with skills to value diversity, creating a harmonious cultural climate. This article highlights the importance of learning another language (e.g., Spanish) and introduces Language Learning Circles (LCC) for preschoolers. Research indicates ages 3–6 are optimal for language acquisition, emphasizing the need for early exposure to enhance learning, and cultural appreciation.


© 2024 The Author(s). The Reading Teacher published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of International Literacy Association.

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Article states: "During the preparation of this work the authors used ChatGPT & Claude in order to format references in APA style, to improve readability and language and to check for grammar, syntax, and organization. The technology was used with human oversight and control. After using this tool, the authors reviewed and edited the content as needed and take full responsibility for the content of the publication."

Original Publication Citation

Hernandez, J., & Gupta, A. (2024). Cultivating cross-cultural connections through language learning circles in early childhood programs. The Reading Teacher. Advance online publication.
