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The Journal of Physical Chemistry C
We contrast the switching of photoluminescence (PL) of PbS quantum dots (QDs) cross-linked with photochromic diarylethene molecules with different end groups, 4,4′-(1-cyclopentene-1,2-diyl)bis[5-methyl-2-thiophenecarboxylic acid] (1C) and 4,4′-(1-cyclopentene-1,2-diyl)bis[5-methyl-2-thiophenethiocarboxylic acid] (2T). Our results show that the QDs cross-linked with the carboxylic acid end group molecules (1C) exhibit a greater amount of switching in photoluminescence intensity compared to QDs cross-linked with the thiocarboxylic acid end group (2T). We also demonstrate that regardless of the molecule used, greater switching amounts are observed for smaller quantum dots. Varying these parameters allows for the fabrication of photoswitches with tunable PL change. We relate these observations to the differences in the HOMO energy levels between the QDs and the photochromic molecules. Our findings demonstrate how the size of the QDs and the energy levels of the linker ligands influences the charge tunneling rate and thus the PL switching performance in tunneling-based photoswitches.
Copyright © 2024 The Authors.
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Original Publication Citation
Sarabamoun, E. S., Aryal, P., Bietsch, J. M., Curran, M., Verma, S., Johnson, G., Yoon, L. U., Reid, A. G., Tsai, E. H. R., Machan, C. W., Paolucci, C., Wang, G., & Choi, J. J. (2024). Photoluminescence switching in quantum dots connected with carboxylic acid and thiocarboxylic acid end-group diarylethene molecules. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 128(48), 20599-20608.
0009-0007-8137-1370 (Aryal), 0000-0001-7473-0004 (Wang)
Repository Citation
Sarabamoun, Ephraiem S.; Aryal, Pramod; Bietsch, Jonathan M.; Curran, Maurice; Verma, Sugandha; Johnson, Grayson; Yoon, Lucy U.; Reid, Amelia G.; Tsai, Esther H. R.; Machan, Charles W.; Paolucci, Christopher; Wang, Guijun; and Choi, Joshua J., "Photoluminescence Switching in Quantum Dots Connected With Carboxylic Acid and Thiocarboxylic Acid End-Group Diarylethene Molecules" (2024). Chemistry & Biochemistry Faculty Publications. 328.
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