This paper examines the transformative impact of cloud computing on education, highlighting how cloud technologies are reshaping teaching and learning environments, making education more accessible, flexible, and collaborative. It also explores the critical importance of incorporating cybersecurity education into school curricula. As digital devices and cloud-based platforms become integral to students' daily lives, they are increasingly vulnerable to cyber threats. This paper argues that early cybersecurity education, starting at the elementary level, is essential for equipping future generations with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the digital world safely, protect their personal information, and avoid cybercrime.
Faculty Advisor/Mentor
Abhishek Phadke
Document Type
Architectural Technology | Curriculum and Social Inquiry | Cybersecurity
Publication Date
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Architectural Technology Commons, Curriculum and Social Inquiry Commons, Cybersecurity Commons
From Classroom to Cloud: Why Cybersecurity Education Is Crucial for Tomorrow's Learners
This paper examines the transformative impact of cloud computing on education, highlighting how cloud technologies are reshaping teaching and learning environments, making education more accessible, flexible, and collaborative. It also explores the critical importance of incorporating cybersecurity education into school curricula. As digital devices and cloud-based platforms become integral to students' daily lives, they are increasingly vulnerable to cyber threats. This paper argues that early cybersecurity education, starting at the elementary level, is essential for equipping future generations with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the digital world safely, protect their personal information, and avoid cybercrime.