The study of cybercriminal behavior and motivations is crucial for understanding and combating the evolving landscape of digital crime. This paper delves into the intricate realm of cybercrime profiling, employing a multidisciplinary approach to dissect the behavioral patterns and underlying motivations of cybercriminals. Drawing from psychology, sociology, and criminology, the research examines the intricate interplay of individual traits, social dynamics, and technological factors that shape cybercriminal activities.
Through analysis of case studies and research, this paper uncovers the diverse range of motivations driving individuals towards engaging in cybercrime. From financial gain and ideological extremism to thrill-seeking and revenge, cybercriminals exhibit a myriad of motivations that defy simplistic categorization. By understanding these underlying drivers, law enforcement agencies, policymakers, and cybersecurity professionals can develop targeted strategies to detect, prevent, and mitigate cyber threats effectively. This paper contributes to the ongoing discourse on cybercrime by providing valuable insights into the behavioral intricacies and motivational factors shaping the digital underworld, paving the way for more nuanced and effective approaches to combating cyber threats.
Faculty Advisor/Mentor
Chris Shenefiel
Document Type
Applied Behavior Analysis | Criminal Law | Criminology | Criminology and Criminal Justice | Experimental Analysis of Behavior | Legislation | Other Sociology | Science and Technology Studies
Publication Date
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Applied Behavior Analysis Commons, Criminal Law Commons, Criminology Commons, Criminology and Criminal Justice Commons, Experimental Analysis of Behavior Commons, Legislation Commons, Other Sociology Commons, Science and Technology Studies Commons
Profiling Cybercriminals: Behavioral Analysis and Motivations Behind Cybercrime Activities
The study of cybercriminal behavior and motivations is crucial for understanding and combating the evolving landscape of digital crime. This paper delves into the intricate realm of cybercrime profiling, employing a multidisciplinary approach to dissect the behavioral patterns and underlying motivations of cybercriminals. Drawing from psychology, sociology, and criminology, the research examines the intricate interplay of individual traits, social dynamics, and technological factors that shape cybercriminal activities.
Through analysis of case studies and research, this paper uncovers the diverse range of motivations driving individuals towards engaging in cybercrime. From financial gain and ideological extremism to thrill-seeking and revenge, cybercriminals exhibit a myriad of motivations that defy simplistic categorization. By understanding these underlying drivers, law enforcement agencies, policymakers, and cybersecurity professionals can develop targeted strategies to detect, prevent, and mitigate cyber threats effectively. This paper contributes to the ongoing discourse on cybercrime by providing valuable insights into the behavioral intricacies and motivational factors shaping the digital underworld, paving the way for more nuanced and effective approaches to combating cyber threats.