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Journal of Small Business Management


Article in Press




The diversity of business philosophies and practices across family firms suggests their performance is influenced by factors that can be hard to isolate or understand. Based on 215 observations of Vietnamese firms operating in Asia, Australia, Europe, and North America, we use fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis techniques to discern the configurational relationships underlying their performance pathways. Of the 64 possible configurations, three pathways with a high consistency (95 percent) for high performance are distinguishable. These three pathways are characterized by varying degrees of family labor involvement, social network-based labor sourcing, and capital contributions from partners. They reveal how cultural factors, spiritual beliefs and practices, as well as the strength of firm networks influence the way these firms perform. Taken together, these insights offer valuable contributions to the theoretical understanding of family firm performance with practical and policy relevance.


© 2024 The Authors.

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Original Publication Citation

Simba, A., Thai, M. T. T., Ammari, A., Koch, J. V., & Jones, P. (2024). Unconventional philosophies and practices: Vietnamese family firm performance in multiple countries. Journal of Small Business Management. Advance online publication.

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