The Role of Full-Time Job Postings for Postsecondary CTE Faculty in Curriculum Design: A Document Analysis
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Journal of Research in Technical Careers
2 (1-15)
This study examines job postings for full-time postsecondary Career Technical Education (CTE) faculty to explore job duties. Document analysis was used on the job postings collected on JobsEQ Real-Time Intelligence for CTE instructors in North Carolina. Over a year, 318 job postings were found through specific search terms in JobsEQ, with 205 retained. Discarded postings were due to duplication, not postsecondary CTE, or part-time positions. Examination of job postings revealed six thematic areas that tie to curricular skills: development process, inputs and standards, content of the CTE curriculum for students, uses of curriculum in the CTE instructor’s role, goals, and management of items related to curriculum. Further analysis was performed using the ADDIE instructional model as a lens. This work helps describe how skills for analyzing needs of students and employers, design of instruction, development of instruction, instruction implementation, and evaluation of students and programs relate to the job of CTE instructors and uncovers areas of potential professional development.
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0000-0002-5918-7952 (Bartlett, James)
Original Publication Citation
Bartlett, J., & Bartlett, M. (2024). The Role of Full-Time Job Postings for Postsecondary CTE Faculty in Curriculum Design: A Document Analysis. Journal of Research in Technical Careers, 8 (2).
Repository Citation
Bartlett, James II and Bartlett, Michelle, "The Role of Full-Time Job Postings for Postsecondary CTE Faculty in Curriculum Design: A Document Analysis" (2024). Educational Leadership & Workforce Development Faculty Publications. 164.