Date of Award

Spring 2019

Document Type

Doctoral Project

Degree Name

Doctor of Engineering (D Eng)


Engineering Management & Systems Engineering

Committee Director

T. Steven Cotter

Committee Director

Charles Daniels

Committee Member

Charles Daniels

Committee Member

Mamadou Seck

Committee Member

Daniel Haim


Organizations, including government, commercial and others, face numerous challenges in maintaining and upgrading long life-cycle, complex, mission critical systems. Maintaining and upgrading these systems requires the insertion and integration of new technology to avoid obsolescence of hardware software, and human skills, to improve performance, to maintain and improve security, and to extend useful life. This is particularly true of information technology (IT) intensive systems. The lack of a coherent body of knowledge to organize new technology insertion theory and practice is a significant contributor to this difficulty. This research organized the existing design, technology road mapping, obsolescence, and sustainability literature into an ontology of theory and application as the foundation for a technology design and technology insertion design hierarchical core reference ontology and laid the foundation for body of knowledge that better integrates the new technology insertion problem into the technology design architecture.


