Document Type

Conference Paper

Publication Date


Publication Title

Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Management 2017 International Annual Conference



Conference Name

38th International Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Management (ASEM 2017): Reimagining Systems Engineering and Management, Huntsville, Alabama, USA, October 18-21, 2017


Creative confidence is a newly rising topic in the innovation study area. In a world where creativity has become a vital source of knowledge creation, not believing in one's own creative capacity could be a barrier. At the organizational level, many good ideas are disappearing before ever being written down or shared. Organizations may lose talented people who have great creative potential by either not giving them the opportunity to express their creative ideas or due to a lack of confidence from the employee side, in sharing these ideas. This paper will contribute to the research stream on the role of creative confidence in generating organizational knowledge by exploring a synthesis of the current literature on creative confidence.


© 2017. Reprinted with permission of the American Society for Engineering Management. International Annual Conference. All rights reserved.

Original Publication Citation

Dario, E., Landaeta, R., & Unal, R. (2017) Creative confidence in organizational knowledge creation: A synthesis of the literature. In E-H. Ng, B. Nepal, & E. Schott (Eds.), 38th International Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Management (ASEM 2017): Reimagining Systems Engineering and Management: Huntsville, Alabama, USA 18-21 October, 2017 (pp. 1-9). American Society for Engineering Management.
