Data Acquisition, Visualization and Processing of Polarographic Systems for Bioenergetics Studies

Data Acquisition, Visualization and Processing of Polarographic Systems for Bioenergetics Studies


Batten College of Engineering & Technology


Ph.D. Engineering - Biomedical Engineering

Publication Date



Bioenergetic functions are routinely evaluated with polarographic systems. Besides polarographic systems with data acquisition, visualization and processing tools, other extant systems without these integrated features are still commonly used- however they require cumbersome operations and calculations to derive respiration rates, respiratory control and ADP/O ratios. Even when the signal is digitized, the system requires filter processing and analysis to determine whether large or unnecessary amounts of data have been recorded. A GUI (graphical user interface) was developed in Matlab to integrate digitization, visualization and processing of bioenergetics data measured with a biological oxygen monitor (YSI 5300) via a Clark electrode. The integrated system allows for calibrating, recording and visualizing the signal in real time- as well as determining respiratory rates, respiratory control, and ADP/O ratios. The GUI uses an algorithm to denoise the data collected during the experimental protocol. The use of this denoising procedure allows for a reduction in the sampling rate without compromising the accuracy in calculating the state 3 and 4 respiratory rates. The state 4 respiration rate relative error was the most sensitive in comparison to the other respiration rates errors to changes of the sampling rate. The relative error of the respiration rates, RCR and ADP/O ratio was lower than 0.5% even at low sampling rates (20Hz). The integrated tools of the GUI allow to a user to: a) overcome the typical limitations related to data processing and storage of polarographic system without a digitized component; b) analyze data in comma separated values (csv) format obtained with other digitized systems.


Data Acquisition, Visualization and Processing of Polarographic Systems for Bioenergetics Studies
