Document Type

Conference Paper

Publication Date


Publication Title

2009 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings


1-11 (14.1114)

Conference Name

2009 Annual Conference and Exposition


The design and integration of an impact-testing machine is particularly for the test of an object which is repeatedly dropped down from a specified height. Four linear actuators with two on each of the two magnetic rails are used to lift up an object weighing up to 70 lbs. Each actuator is powered and controlled by an industrial amplifier. A Programmable Logical Controller (PLC) is applied to activate these four actuators simultaneously and repeatedly. Accelerometers using an National Instruments (NI) data acquisition system are used to measure the impact force during the tests. Students gain design and implementation experiences from the developing of the system.


© 2009 American Society for Engineering Education, ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, Austin, Texas, June 14-17, 2009.

Original Publication Citation

Lin, C., Hou, G., Bawab, S., Coats, T., Nassar, H., & Liu, Y. (2009). System design and integration for repeated impact tests. Paper presented at the 2009 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Austin, Texas.


0000-0002-7352-1099 (Hou)
