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PLoS One
Assessing hydration status outside of laboratories can be challenging given that most hydration measures are invasive, stationary, costly, or have questionable validity. This study investigated the within-day, test-retest reliability, and minimal detectable change (MDC) of the MX3 Hydration Testing System (MX3 Diagnostics), a relatively low cost, noninvasive, and portable method to measure saliva osmolality. Seventy-five adults (44 men, 31 women; 29.6±10.8 yr, 171.1±9.2 cm, 79.1±15.4 kg) presented two saliva samples approximately 3 to 5 minutes apart. Fluid intake was avoided for at least 5 minutes prior to sample collections. For each sample collection, a researcher used the MX3 to tap the tip of a test strip to saliva on a participant's tongue. Intra-class correlation coefficients (ICCs) and MDC were calculated as measures of reliability. Means for the two measurements were 64.3±19.0 mOsm and 65.5±17.9 mOsm (mean difference of -1.2±13.0 mOsm; t = -0.806, p = 0.423). Further analysis with a two-one-sided test procedure revealed equivalence between the two SOSM measurements (p < 0.001 for upper and lower bounds). Within-day repeat measures yielded an ICC of 0.75 and an MDC at the 90% confidence level of 21.3 mOsm. With moderate-to-good reliability, the MX3 appears to be a practical choice for reliably measuring moderate-sized changes (>20 mOsm) in saliva osmolality outside of laboratory constraints.
© 2024 Winter et al.
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Data Availability
Article states: "All relevant data are within the manuscript and its Supporting Information files."
Original Publication Citation
Winter, I., Burdin, J., & Wilson, P. B. (2024). Reliability and minimal detectable change of the MX3 hydration testing system. PLoS One, 19(11), 1-9, Article e0313320.
Repository Citation
Winter, I., Burdin, J., & Wilson, P. B. (2024). Reliability and minimal detectable change of the MX3 hydration testing system. PLoS One, 19(11), 1-9, Article e0313320.
0000-0003-4052-5023 (Wilson)
Supporting Information