Date of Award

Summer 1994

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Urban Services--Health Services

Committee Director

Gregory H. Frazer

Committee Member

Paul J. Champagne

Committee Member

George C. Maihafer

Committee Member

Clare Houseman

Committee Member

Lindsay Rettie


The purpose of the study was to identify the determinants of job satisfaction of Virginia Hospital CEO's and to identify those descriptors that best characterize the role of the hospital CEO as defined by the CEO's themselves. The study sample consisted of all hospital CEO's in Virginia as listed by the Virginia Hospital Association. The study employed a four part survey instrument that investigated four major areas: (1) personal and hospital demographics; (2) self rated performance; (3) a semantic scale measuring the concept of Hospital CEO; and (4) The Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire. A survey was mailed to 119 CEO's. The response rate was 50%. The mean age of the respondents was 47 years and mean educational level post high school was 6.2 years. The mean hospital size as measured by number of inpatient beds was 215.5. CEO's rated their performance highest in "Employee and Staff Relations" and "Managerial Team Building" and lowest in "Information Systems". The highest mean score was for the semantic adjective "Active" and the lowest mean score was for the adjective "Past". Job Satisfaction was highest for "The chance to do something different from time to time" and lowest for "The chance to tell people what to do".

Six research questions were explored. The first question sought to identify which of person traits, environmental traits, and person-environment fit traits best predict job satisfaction. The results of a multiple regression model indicated that person-environment fit traits as measured by the Semantic Differential Scale was the only variable that entered significantly into the regression equation (t(4)=4.30, p $

Based on the study's findings recommendations for research included further exploration of measuring performance and qualitatively analyzing hospital CEO's job satisfaction and job performance. Recommendations for practical application included a management focus on facilitating intrinsic satisfaction.


