Electric Voice Coming of Age

We think of electricity as a utility, the power that allows us to turn on the light or to make machines work. We recognize its undeniable might in storms. It is often forgotten, however, that inside each of us electric current is constantly moving, that the body itself is invisibly charged. When Walt Whitman wrote, "I sing the body electric," I believe he was testifying to this and to the truth that the human voice and the syllables that make its meanings are sweet embodiments of the current that sustain our humanity.

Whenever a nation gives in to fear and forces the yearning voices to be silent, that place goes dark. To keep the light, to clarify the heart, there are those who spend their lives finding the words that conduct this quiet lightning, that turn the voice electric.

~ Tim Seibles, Literary Festival Director




Brochure: 21st Annual Literary Festival, 1998: Electric Voice Coming of Age, University Publications, Old Dominion University

Jane Bernstein, 21st Annual ODU Literary Festival, Jane Bernstein

Nicole Brossard, 21st Annual ODU Literary Festival, Nicole Brossard

Scott Cairns, 21st Annual ODU Literary Festival, Scott Cairns

Maria Luisa Cariño, 21st Annual ODU Literary Festival, Maria Luisa Cariño

Anthony Grooms, 21st Annual ODU Literary Festival, Anthony Grooms

Tony Hoagland, 21st Annual ODU Literary Festival, Tony Hoagland

Li-Young Lee, 21st Annual ODU Literary Festival, Li-Young Lee

John McPhee, 21st Annual ODU Literary Festival, John McPhee

Jack Myers, 21st Annual ODU Literary Festival, Jack Myers

Sena Jeter Naslund, 21st Annual ODU Literary Festival, Sena Jeter Naslund

Robert Pinsky, 21st Annual ODU Literary Festival, Robert Pinsky

Jacqueline Woodson, 21st Annual ODU Literary Festival, Jaqueline Woodson