Brian Silberman, 25th Annual ODU Literary Festival


Brian Silberman

Document Type

Featured Participant

Festival Date



The Old Dominion University Creative Writing Center

Author/Artist Bio

Brian Silberman is author of Walkin' Backward, the first of a larger, five-play cycle of one-acts collectively titled The Buckland Canticle. His other plays include Manifest, recipient of the 1998 Clauder Prize; Salvage Baas, recently produced in New York by the Ensemble Studio Theatre; Sugar Down Billie Hoak; Feral Music; Half Court; Retrenchment; and The Gospel According to Toots Pope. Selections from both Half Court and Sugar Down Billie Hoak appear in Smith & Krause's Best Stage Scenes of 1995, Best Men's Monologues of 1995, and Best Women's Monologues of 1995. Walkin' Backward will appear in the upcoming anthology Best American Short Plays of 2001. He teaches in the Creative Writing Program at Old Dominion University.


Monday, September 30th, 2002 at 8:00 p.m.

Writers on stage (Luisa Igloria, Michael Pearson, Janet Peery, Sheri Reynolds, Tim Seibles, and Brian Silberman) read and perform their own works. An evening rich in surprises.


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