Date of Award

Fall 1994

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering


Mechanical Engineering

Committee Director

Sushil K. Chaturvedi

Committee Member

Taj Mohieldin

Committee Member

Arthur Taylor

Call Number for Print

Special Collections; LD4331.E56A95


Two-phase flow of single component refrigerants has been studied, theoretically and experimentally, for many CFCs, in many industrial applications, including the solar-assisted heat pump system. This study extends the thermodynamic and heat transfer analysis in the phase transition boiling region, to newly proposed refrigerant mixtures, which are candidates for replacing the classical CFCs for future HVAC applications. The goal of this study is to develop a methodology, to design the collector/evaporator tubes of a solar-assisted heat pump, using a binary refrigerant mixture as the working fluid. The method is implemented numerically as a computer algorithm. In order to do that, heat transfer and thermodynamic analysis of two-phase two-component flow are presented and considered in some details. Throughout the design procedure, a complete set of the thermodynamic properties of different refrigerants must be available numerically. The present study utilizes a computer software package, called REFPROP, capable of predicting those properties, for a variety of pure as well as mixtures of refrigerants, in different temperature and pressure ranges. The study also validates REFPROP results, in order to rely on it for future utilization. A basic solar-assisted heat pump cycle is adopted here, and the energy balance over the evaporator/collector tubes is presented, in order to design those tubes effectively. In order to see the effect of changing the design parameters on the design of the evaporator tubes, several cases are investigated using the computer program developed in this study. This is done by varying the design parameters such as the mass flow rate, the evaporator operating pressure, the tube inner diameter, and the solar incident heat flux. Graphical presentations are shown for each case. Finally, cycle performance analysis is carried on the heat pump system using the "Second law method".


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