Date of Award

Spring 1992

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering


Engineering Mechanics

Committee Director

R. Prabhakaran

Committee Director

Resit Un?-}

Committee Member

Gene Hou

Committee Member

Larry Rowell

Call Number for Print

Special Collections; LD4331.E57B87


An aerobrake concept for a Lunar transfer vehicle was weight optimized through the use of the Taguchi design method, structural finite element analyses and structural sizing routines. Six design parameters were chosen to represent the aerobrake structural configuration. The design parameters included honeycomb core thickness, diameter-to-depth ratio, shape, material, number of concentric ring frames, and number of radial frames. Each parameter was assigned three levels. The minimum weight aerobrake configuration resulting from the study was approximately half the weight of the average of all twenty seven experimental configurations. The parameters having the most significant impact on the aerobrake structural weight were identified.


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