Date of Award

Spring 1992

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering


Engineering Mechanics

Committee Director

U. S. Shirahatti

Committee Member

C. Mei

Committee Member

G. Hou

Call Number for Print

Special Collections; LD4331.E57B65


In many practical situations we encounter sound-structure interaction between the fluid in a cavity and the flexible wall on the boundary. The aircraft cabin interacting with its fuselage and double-leaf partition walls interacting with the enclosed cavity are some of the typical examples. The vibratory behavior of the structure and the acoustical pressure inside the cavity are affected by this interaction.

In most of the cases, the governing differential equations for the coupled system can be shown to involve gyroscopic coupling. A special method has been applied to decouple the equations in terms of pairs of generalized coordinates and the modal parameters of the coupled system have been determined in terms of the modal properties of the non-interacting individual systems. Closed form solutions have also been derived to predict the undamped system response. Results have been presented for a rectangular cavity which has a flexible panel on one of its faces. The predicted results compare well with the experimental data reported by previous researchers.


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