Date of Award

Spring 2008

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering


Mechanical Engineering

Committee Director

Han P. Bao

Committee Member

Gene J.-W. Hou

Committee Member

Abdelmageed Elmustafa

Call Number for Print

Special Collections; LD4331.E56 C585 2008


The objective of this thesis is to carry out a maintenance cost analysis for a part that is subject to both random failure and deterioration failure. The analysis follows the guidelines of preventive maintenance and leads to a means of finding out the total cost of the maintenance procedure based on different maintenance cost data. The maintenance model developed in this thesis is based on a Markov Process, and its optimization is derived from a maximization of the availability of the part.

A case study was used to demonstrate the method for obtaining the optimal minimal preventive maintenance rate, steady states probabilities and relative number of visits to each state. Based on the calculation of the final total costs of maintenance, the optimal maintenance policy can be determined. The calculation results indicate that the relationship between the number of minimal preventive maintenance rounds and the total cost of maintenance can be used to derive the optimal maintenance policy for given maintenance cost data.


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