Date of Award

Summer 1982

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering


Engineering Mechanics

Committee Director

R. Prabhakaran

Committee Member

C. Mei

Committee Member

S.G. Cupschalk

Call Number for Print

Special Collections; LD4331.E57C4373


A least-squares technique is developed in matrix form to determine orthotropic elastic and photoelastic constants. Orthotropic elastic constants are determined by mounting strain gages on a half-plane specimen which is subjected to a compressive concentrated force. Strain values corresponding to a 1000 lb load and coordinates of the points where the gages are located are used as input data to the governing equation of orthotropic elasticity for the model under consideration. Orthotropic photoelastic constants are determined using a transparent composite half-plane model which is subjected to a concentrated load. Photoelastic constants are determined using the coordinates of selected point on the model with corresponding isochromatic fringe orders and stresses for a load equal to 1000 lb as input data to the governing equation for photo-orthotropic-elasticity.


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