Date of Award

Spring 2008

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering


Mechanical Engineering

Committee Director

Sebastian Bawab

Committee Director

Gene J Hou

Committee Member

J. K. Huang

Call Number for Print

Special Collections; LD4331.E56 D46 2008


A dynamic model for the vehicle-guideway coupled with a controller is developed using dynamic modelling software, MADYMO. The fundamental characteristics of the vehicle are obtained from detailed FE analysis in NASTRAN. The vehicle is then converted into a 21-degree-of-freedom rigid body system with 12 FE magnets. A two span concrete guideway of 54 meters in length is modelled using 3D solid Hex8 elements. The air gap is modelled as a penetration of the magnets in the guideway. The PD controller aims at achieving constant penetration (i.e. the air gap) of all magnets in the guideway, throughout the simulation. This PD controller force is equivalent to the force generated by the current input obtained from the physical system. As such, the relation between current and air gap is non-linear. In this simulation, the PD force is modelled as non-linear by varying the stiffness and damping coefficients with changing gap. The levitation results from the simulation are compared with experiments performed at ODU. The validated guideway and Maglev with dynamic interaction is then used to study ride quality at different speeds.


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