Date of Award

Spring 1989

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering


Mechanical Engineering

Committee Director

Robert ash

Committee Member

Oktay Baysal

Committee Member

Sushil K. Chaturvedi

Call Number for Print

Special Collections; LD4331.E56G53


An experimental study of the effects of leading edge sweep on surface pressure and heat transfer rate for swept shock wave interference is presented. This study was conducted as a cooperative agreement between NASA Langley Research Center and Calspan-University of Buffalo Research Center. Experimental tests were conducted in the Calspan 48-inch Hypersonic Shock Tunnel at a nominal Mach number of 8, nominal unit Reynolds number of 1.5 x 106 per foot, leading edge and incident shock generator sweep angles of 0o, 15o, and 30o, and incident shock generator angle-of-attack fixed at 12.5o. Detailed surface pressure and heat transfer rate on the cylindrical leading edge of a swept shock wave interference model were measured at the region of the maximum surface pressure and heat transfer rate.

The experimental study has shown that pressure and heat transfer rate on the cylindrical leading edge of the shock wave interference model were reduced as the sweep was increased over the range of tested parameters.

Peak surface pressure and heat transfer rate on the cylinder were about 1 0 and 30 times the undisturbed flow stagnation point value, respectively, for the 0° sweep test. A comparison of the 15° and 30° swept results with the 0° swept results showed that peak pressure was reduced about 13 percent and 44 percent, respectively, and peak heat transfer rate was reduced about 7 percent and 27 percent, respectively.


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