Date of Award

Spring 1989

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering


Engineering Mechanics

Committee Director

Jen-Kuang Huang

Committee Member

Robert L. Ash

Committee Member

Thomas E. Alberts

Call Number for Print

Special Collections; LD4331.E57H61


A prototype expert system has been developed for maintaining autonomous operation of a Mars oxygen production system. Normal operation conditions and failure modes according to certain desired criteria are tested and identified. Several schemes for failure detection and isolation using forward chaining, backward chaining, knowledge-based and rule-based are devised to perform several housekeeping functions. These functions include self-health checkout, an emergency shut down program, fault detection and conventional control activities. An effort has been made to derive the dynamic model of the system using Bond-Graph technique in order to develop the model-based failure detection and isolation scheme by estimation method. Finally, computer simulations and experimental results have demonstrated the feasibility of the expert system and a preliminary reliability analysis for the oxygen production system is also provided.


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