Date of Award

Fall 2015

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering


Mechanical Engineering

Committee Director

Onur Bilgen

Committee Member

Sebastian Bawab

Committee Member

Thomas E. Alberts


This research investigates the geometric parameters that structurally influence static and dynamic bending and twisting of a wing-like plate when actuated with a surface-bonded piezoelectric material. The plate is parameterized using a finite element model that is validated by comparison with known analytical solutions. The geometric parameters analyzed for static and dynamic analysis are: the aspect ratio, actuator position, actuator angle, thickness-ratio of the active piezocomposite to the inactive substrate, and portion of the fixed end of the cantilevered structure that is fixed in the chordwise direction. For harmonically actuated cases, the resonant flapping frequency is also examined. Performance metrics for bending, twisting, and composite performance are also developed and the results are reported. The highest bend, twist, and composite performance configurations are presented. A piezocomposite wing prototype is fabricated and actuated harmonically with two Macro-Fiber Composite actuators. The bending and twisting results of the experimental prototype are reported at various frequencies, voltage amplitudes, and voltage offset values. The resulting experimental data is then used to validate a finite element model of the piezocomposite wing.


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