Date of Award


Document Type



Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering


Mechanical Engineering

Committee Director

Donald S. Ousterhout

Committee Member

Earl A. Thornton

Committee Member

Gennaro L. Goglia

Call Number for Print

Special Collections; LD4331.E53H32


An investigation was undertaken to determine the nature of the pressure region around a jet issuing perpendicular to a free stream flow from a flat plate and a cylindrical surface, and to determine the forces which resulted from such a pressure region. It was also attempted to develop an empirical relation to enable the prediction of surface pressure regions from known physical parameters.

The jet was exhausted from a 0.375 inch nozzle perpendicular to a free stream flow of about 90 ft./sec. The flow rate of the jet was then varied to give three free stream to jet velocity ratios ranging from 0.3 to 0.42. Pressures were measured at pre-determined points on the surface of the models around the jet by means of static pressure ports in the surface. Readings were taken at small enouqh increments over the surface of the models to enable an accurate elemental summation of pressure forces to determine the lift and pitching moment resulting from the pressure region.

By noting the trends which the flat plate data exhibited on constant radius curves around the nozzle, an empirical relation was derived defining the pressure coefficient field in terms of polar coordinates around the nozzle and the velocity ratios at which the data was taken. A similar analysis was attempted for the cylindrical surface but was abandoned due to insufficient data.


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