Date of Award
Spring 1987
Document Type
Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Engineering Mechanics
Committee Director
Gregory V. Selby
Committee Member
Colin P. Britcher
Committee Member
Oktay Baysal
Call Number for Print
Special Collections; LD4331.E56 H883
The results of an experimental parametric study of a true airspeed sensor are presented. The objective of this study was primarily to investigate experimentally the parameters that effect the frequency response of the true airspeed sensor. A secondary objective was to identify the sensor configuration which achieved the best performance. The model used to conduct these experiments basically consisted of swirl generator and vortex tube sections and pick-up signal system. A regression analysis was performed on the experimental results to obtain the effect of each parameter individually on the frequency response. The most significant parameters were selected by the regression analysis from parameters under investigation. The twelve sensor configurations used in conducting the subject experiments established the dependence of the frequency on the geometrical model parameters. A 1inear relationship between frequency and flow rate (directly proportional to true airspeed) over a range of 0.07 - 0.95 ft /min. was observed. Data obtained from the regression analysis and the experimental program also indicate that the frequency is dependent on vortex tube diameter, flow rate, nondimensional pick-up signal point location, swirler diameter and the exit nozzle length. These parameters are listed in the order of relative importance in their effect on frequency.
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Recommended Citation
Ibrahim, Adel R..
"Experimental Parametric Study of a True Airspeed Sensor"
(1987). Thesis, Old Dominion University, DOI: 10.25777/ve3j-h957