Date of Award
Fall 2008
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Committee Director
Han P. Bao
Committee Member
Gene J. W. Hou
Committee Member
Abdelmageed Elmustafa
Call Number for Print
Special Collections; LD4331.E56 J35 2008
The failure repair process of a continuously operating device is studied in this research. Different cases that incorporate modeling of equipment deterioration, inspection, and maintenance for optimal maintenance policy are proposed. Markov processes are used to determine state probabilities, and the optimal value of the mean time to preventive maintenance is determined by maximizing the availability of the equipment with respect to the mean time preventive maintenance. The approach uses models that assume that equipment can fail due to both deterioration and random failures. Preventive maintenance can be performed from each working state to avoid deterioration failure. Economic effects are integrated into all the models to determine the costs associated with the preventive maintenance policy. The computational work involved in developing algorithmic solutions for the developed Markov models is perfom1ed using Matlab® software. The results of how the obtained maintenance rate impacts the equipment availability are discussed. This study is helpful for engineers to dete1111ine optimal maintenance policy of equipment.
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Recommended Citation
Jaishankar, Deepa.
"A Markov Based Model for Maintenance and Repair of Equipment"
(2008). Master of Science (MS), Thesis, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Old Dominion University, DOI: 10.25777/b1hk-b131