Date of Award
Spring 1997
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Aerospace Engineering
Committee Director
Thomas E. Alberts
Committee Member
Brett Newman
Committee Member
Oscar R. Gonzalez
Call Number for Print
Special Collections; LD4331.E535 K37
The use of feedforward control for dynamic modification is relatively new to the area of structural vibration control. In this thesis the disturbance path dynamics of a flexible aluminum beam, pinned at both ends and under the influence of broadband excitation inputs, are modified through the use of feedforward control. The ideal algebraically determined feedforward control method for response cancellation is first presented. Theoretically, this compensator modifies the disturbance path dynamics to any desired behavior. This ideal algebraic approach can only be used for minimum phase systems. In non-minimum phase systems, right half s-plane plant zeros emerge as unstable poles in the compensated system, hence an alternative method is required. A technique called the correction factor method is introduced, which can arbitrarily place the disturbance path poles of the controlled system. The dynamic behavior of the system using the correction factor feedforward compensator is compared to the theoretical behavior of the ideal feedforward compensated system. The performance of a reduced-order correction factor type compensator is also investigated. Computer simulations of the system dynamic response, with continuous and discrete implementations of the correction factor compensator, are illustrated. Experimental results are used to verify the behavior of the analytical model.
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Recommended Citation
Karantonis, Kendeas A..
"Broadband Dynamic Modification Using Feedforward Control"
(1997). Master of Science (MS), Thesis, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Old Dominion University, DOI: 10.25777/54gj-r453
Included in
Aerospace Engineering Commons, Controls and Control Theory Commons, Dynamics and Dynamical Systems Commons