Date of Award

Fall 2008

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering


Aerospace Engineering

Committee Director

Osama A. Kandil

Committee Member

Oktay Baysal

Committee Member

Duc T. Nguyen

Call Number for Print

Special Collections; LD4331.E535 J675 2008


In this thesis, numerical simulation of the multidisciplinary method for prediction and control of vortex induced tail buffeting is studied using delta wing-single tail configuration. Flow conditions are chosen such that wing vortex cores experience vortex breakdown and the resulting wake flow impinges on the vertical tail. The aero/structure problem is solved sequentially using three sets of equations on a multi-block grid structure. To obtain aerodynamic loading on the tail, the fluid flow around the wing-tail assembly is computed by time-accurately solving unsteady, laminar, compressible Navier-Stokes equations using an implicit, upwind, flux-difference splitting finite volume scheme. Then the aeroelastic equations of a cantilevered beam for bending and torsion vibrations are used to obtain the bending and torsion deflections of the tail. These structural dynamics equations were written in state space form and solved using the state transition matrix solution and a predictor/corrector scheme. The third set is the grid-displacement equations, which are used for updating the grid coordinates due to tail deflections. The tail-buffet response is computed for subsonic and transonic flow regimes to study the effect of the Mach number on tail buffeting. The use of an adaptive suction-blowing flow control method for tail-buff et alleviation is also computationally studied.


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