Date of Award

Fall 1993

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering


Mechanical Engineering

Committee Director

Arthur C. Taylor III

Committee Director

Gene W. Hou

Committee Member

Surendra N. Tiwari

Call Number for Print

Special Collections; LD4331.E56M367


An efficient approach for simultaneous aerodynamic analysis and design optimization is presented. Using this approach, the expensive procedure of performing complete steady— state flow analyses at every design-optimization step is avoided, thus addressing the challenge of incorporating computational fluid dynamics software into efficient gradient—based optimization techniques for aerodynamic design. An adjoint—variable method is introduced to nullify the effect of an increased number of design variables in this problem formulation. This approach is successfully tested on two quasi—one—dimensional nozzle—flow problems: a fully supersonic flow, and also a transonic flow with a normal shock. The algorithm is implemented using the direct Newton—iteration procedure; however, application with iterative flow solvers is shown to be feasible, and will be required for multidimensional problems.


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