Forced Displacement Technique for Measuring Blunt Body Aerodynamics in a Magnetic Suspension Wind Tunnel
Document Type
Publication Date
Publication Title
21st International Conference on Flow Dynamics
14 pp.
Conference Name
21st International Conference on Flow Dynamics, November 18-20, 2024, Sendai, Japan
The Old Dominion University/NASA Langley 6-Inch Magnetic Suspension Wind Tunnel has developed the ability to levitate blunt bodies which can oscillate freely about the yaw axis. This allows for the measurement of static and dynamic stability coefficients without sting interference. The magnetic suspension controller introduces other translational forces which affect the vehicle dynamics complicating data reduction. Exciting model oscillations in a reliable way has also been a challenge. A new test method has been developed that produces capsule oscillations from forced oscillatory translational motion at the resonant yaw oscillatory frequency of the capsule. After oscillations are excited, the translational forcing motion is suspended to record free oscillation behavior as well. A data reduction method whereby a linear model of the translational and oscillatory motion is used to fit to the measured data and solve for aerodynamic coefficients has also been developed.
© 2024 Institute of Fluid Science Tohoku University. All rights reserved.
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Original Publication Citation
Schoenenberger, M., Cox, D., Britcher, C., & Hull, C. (2024). Forced displacement technique for measuring blunt body aerodynamics in a magnetic suspension wind tunnel [Paper presentation]. 21st International Conference on Flow Dynamics (ICFD), Sendai, Japan.
Repository Citation
Schoenenberger, Mark; Cox, David; Britcher, Colin; and Hull, Caleb, "Forced Displacement Technique for Measuring Blunt Body Aerodynamics in a Magnetic Suspension Wind Tunnel" (2024). Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Faculty Publications. 165.